Tours and Outreach
CLCJAWA's operations are world class as evidenced by our visitors from China, Denmark, Venezuela, South Korea, England, Poland and elsewhere. CLCJAWA's tours are educational. From Northwestern University, Notre Dame, and the University of Illinois to elementary and high schools in our community, CLCJAWA provides a curriculum complementing experience. Tours include a brief presentation illustrating the role of water sheds and Lake Michigan, as well as key topics identified by the students' instructor. The presentation is followed by a tour of the drinking water treatment facilities.
CLCJAWA's tours are fun. Scouts, Adventure Guides/Princesses, 4-H, and other social groups in our community make CLCJAWA a must-see during the year. Tours include a fun student led introduction presentation prior to a tour of the drinking water facilities.
Can't come to us? We'll come to you! In addition to tour opportunities, CLCJAWA offers a speaker's bureau for community groups of all ages and levels of expertise. Topics include water treatment and operation, drinking water quality, Lake Michigan, the water cycle and our water environment.
Tours or presentations must be scheduled in advance and are free of charge. Tours typically last 1.5 hours but can be modified to fit your schedule. If you are interested in a tour for your Boy Scout or Girl Scout Group, please click on the link Scout Merit Fullfillments at CLCJAWA to see more information about what we offer.
As of 1/5/2023, CLCJAWA requires all visitors to complete a Hold Harmless Agreement. Please click on the link above to view a copy of this document.
Coming for a tour of the facility? Save time and complete the hold harmless form now. Just click on the link to waiver file below.